Thursday, August 5, 2010

On the last day at the Castle I had to have a snooze by the pool - this was my view...
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Everynight we had a group of four on dinner duty. Everynight the food, wine and company was fantastico! We ate Italian, Russian and Belgian BBQ. Here is the view of the Church that was perched on the next hill as seen from the Kitchen Window of the Castle.
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Summer Hoidays 2010 - Am'dam, Paris, Rome, Florence & Castello Di Mugnana in Chianti

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Stories and Pics of Rome and Tuscany to follow...

Mik & Debs Arrive for Summer Holidays

Mik & Deb arrived on 12th and were at the airport when I arrived home morning of the 13th...then we went on a whirlwind trip to Waterloo, Brugge, Amsterdam & Paris with a few at homes in between, before heading off to Rome and Tuscany for 10 days.  Here are a few pics from the tour.