Saturday, January 30, 2010

Off to the coast for the night.

We are off ot the Casino in Oostende tonight to see Will Tura - it shall be fun!  It will be an interesting trip on the highway with all this snow, since e got 5cm of snow overnight.  Cest la vie...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Last Day on Planet Belgium

Off to the land of sand tomorrow.  Gotta say I've been a bit low today - loosley translated as grumpy - not wanting to pak too soon and not relaxing until I've packed.  I've never really figured that one out yet.  Made an awesome Osso Buco though, to take my mind off leaving.  I've had a nice long break this time so it's not easy to leave. 

Las night we went out to dinner to a seafood restaraunt.  It was terribly cold and was snowing before we got home, but the company was great, the food was excellent an the wine superb.  Woke up this moring to minus 6 and a couple of inches of snow again. 

Hope I can fly out tommorrow - NOT!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Rodrigo y Gabriella

annoyingly cheerful

Today I've decided to be annoyingly cheerful.  Spending some time looking back on the old year and looking forward to the new is somewhat therapeutic, and it seems we have done quite a lot of the things that are important to us.  One of my friends put it quite succinctly in an answer to our New Years Message - friends, family, travel, experiencing the Arabic side of the world, good wine, good food and buying new toys - it seems there is only one New Years resolution, to bring more music back into our lives.  It seems it is time to google some good concert events...hmmm Rodrigo y Gabriella comes to mind - CLICK ON THIS.  I will post a video next.