Sunday, January 3, 2010

Last Day on Planet Belgium

Off to the land of sand tomorrow.  Gotta say I've been a bit low today - loosley translated as grumpy - not wanting to pak too soon and not relaxing until I've packed.  I've never really figured that one out yet.  Made an awesome Osso Buco though, to take my mind off leaving.  I've had a nice long break this time so it's not easy to leave. 

Las night we went out to dinner to a seafood restaraunt.  It was terribly cold and was snowing before we got home, but the company was great, the food was excellent an the wine superb.  Woke up this moring to minus 6 and a couple of inches of snow again. 

Hope I can fly out tommorrow - NOT!

1 comment:

  1. Trust you have got to the land of sand and left the snow behind. Know the feeling re leaving - still think of the lovely lucre and all the things you and Mik can do in the years to come. Look at me - all that hard work and travelling and now I am a kept man - a 'toy olde boye' in fact!

    Our home is very quiet now the 'Naki persons and the Q'landers have all returned home. We are planning, planning, planning all sorts of things for us and your two birthday celebrations in Tuscany in July 2010. Just think only some 6 months to go! That's only some 26 weeks! 182 sleeps, probably 180 since we won't be able to sleep the last two nights cos we will be so excited. In fact the more I think about it the more excited I (we) become.

    Tis warm and sunny but windy most of the time and we are heading rapidly into a drought. Made some grapefriut, boysenberry, raspberry liqueuers today. Great tasting session since initial extracts are approx 70% absolute. Dug potatoes yesterday or rather [Her Majesty] alias Sammo did so now we are trying to get a second crop of the spuds plus carrot and turnip seeds to be planted today. Tomatoes are motoring and will be ripening in about a week or so. Found a recipe for tomato wine so there's another challenge waiting.

    Have a glass of Muscat sherry for me! Arohanui, Evan the Dad
