Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The laptop re-build

So it is time for a new ramble.  I spent the last few days re-installing stuff on my laptop as I finally bit the bullet and asked my beloved to do a re-build.  The last straw was crappy skype quality and then my ipod simply would not sync and there I was left stranded with no mobile music - arrggghhhhh!  This was a desperate situation - much like running out of wine -  and thereore time for some desperate measures.  So I have been chained to the littl beast for the last two days and fairly sic of it.  Mike says I should try and so it all day every day.

Less than a week and I have to fly back to Oman, not looking forward to that.  But the bright side is, once I get on my way I'm cool - I just hate leaving home everytime.  Cest la vie - somehow we have to pay for the new toys.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling Sue, leaving to work. Believe me it is worthwhile in the end so to speak.

    I am but a man of leisure following my retirement July 2007. Should have done it sooner!! Make enough and then sit back and do whatever for whomever once you (plural here) are secure.

    Cheers, Dad
