Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This is totally going to me soon!

Well maybe not the sunset over the sea, and definitely not the white stripes and totally more chrome...but tonight we signed the contract to get the new wheels - giggles wickedly - sorry Helen! - nah not really...

Lovely Christmas present for Sue, except it wont arrive for another couple of months. Nothing quite like the aniticpation. In fact the anticipation is sometimes way more fun than the actual event - me thinks!

I must say ever since many moons ago when treated to a ride to Waitara with Ms Belcher, I had secretly coveted a little slice of Britain - but believe it or not BMW bought them out and they are now made in Germany - WILD! Actually who knows where they are made - but cute and sexy all the same.

1 comment:

  1. Go! Lucy Jordan, that is! Looks real cool and will arrive just before Spring and then watch out summer!

    Would I be allowed to have a ride please, please, please, when I get there in July? Will it be in Tuscany? Please! Please! Please!

    Your bestest Dad (grovel, grovel, grovel).
