Monday, March 8, 2010

Left Mukhaizna Today

I left the field today.   This was the longest time I spent there - 16days!  Gosh it seems pathetic really when most of the oeprations guys do 28 on and 28 off and the constuction guys do 35 on and 35 off. Good job i'm not an Operator or in construction  phew!

Having said that, I turn up at the Raddison for dinner - simply because I could no be bothered cooking and .... they tend to have this awesome good deal on all the wine you can drink for one small price.  Seeing as the field is dry it as my first drink for a long while and and in the end it it went like this....

'Any dessert Ms Vennik" (they know me by name you see - only becuase I used to live there mind!)
"No thank you " I say in my most polite tone to be summoned, "I have had enough to eat (pats tummy affectionately), and I have had enough to drink - I think I will stick with this (pats the second glass of wine most affectionaely) and if you could bring me the bill Amoud that would be most appreciated."

My reply produces a shocked look from Amoud - raises one eyebrow as if to say - are you sick tonight Ms Vennik?  To which I reply....

"Driving tonight, I'll  make up for it on Saturday". - sigh of relief from Amoud.

Ronaye and I frequent this restaraunt when we are in Muscat.  They have great grilled prawns - shelled please - we do not even need to complete our order- creatures of potatoes extra vegtables - thanks awefully so much.    Ronaye is coming back in from the field on Saturday - hence we'll  make up for it on Saturday.  Mik comes tomorrow and we spend a few days laxing out on the beach then we come back into Muscat Satuday to meet up with Ronaye to visit the Al Tajin Grill.

1 comment:

  1. There is a daughter named Sue
    Who dry days in the desert went through
    But of course she did find
    Two, (small) glasses of wine
    In Muscat town as you do.

    For Amoud the waiter concern
    But he was so quick to learn
    That Mik from Belgie would arrive
    And the revelry would fast come alive.

    The Greystone Bard
