Thursday, March 18, 2010

Glenn-Gareth's visit to Belgium

Ronaye's boyfriend Glenn-Gareth is a pilot with Air NZ and had a long layover in London, so he visited with us when we got back from Oman.  It's been quite a few busy days entertaining - but lots of fun.  Unfortunately Mik had to work, but Glenn and I got to zoom around in the Mini and had a blast.  We even drove with the top off and attracted way too much attention from the cops and ended up getting pulled over - just for a random controlle for papers etc - phew alles in order.

We visited mainly around Wallonia,  starting with La Roche en Ardennes where there was a big fort on the top of a hill and a lot of WWII history as it was where the Battle of the Bulge was...

Frodo and Forrest loved all the walks...

Day 2 we went to Dinant...

And Villers La Ville, where there was an abbey that had been built around 900-1100 CE – pretty amazing place, but unfortunately closed on Tuesdays – bad luck but we managed to get some pics from outside the wall...

And then we happened upon this castle being renovated in the countryside between Dinant and Villers La Ville.

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