Thursday, April 8, 2010

Last Weekend at home

It seems like such a long time I blogged. Glenn-Gareth's visit was ages ago and at the beginning of my time at home. Had a great time at home this time and it was hard to leave. On the last weekend at home we had our first bbq of the year with some new friends, that we made through her seeing my info on which said I lived in Belgium and she sent me an email. They are a couple with four kids and she is a Kiwi who left Kiwiland over 20 years and never went back. He is a Belgian who was brought up in the US, so a real multicultural family and we had a wonderful and very easy and relaxing time with them. They have bought a Chateau in Wallonia and are renovating it. Cricky I thought we had a big house and a lot of work till we saw this place. Despite its size it has a really warm, homely, family gezelik feeling to it and we hope to spend more time with these lovely new friends. That weekend was spent starting the garden shed foundations and cleaning up the section. We were both very tired, but it is a very satisfying tired when you are physically working on your own home.

I have been back in the field now and am over half way – tonight is the first night since I got back that I have had enough brain power left to do anything other than read, speak to Mike and go to sleep. I picked up my guitar again today for the first time since I got here too and am really enjoying it. Finally mastered Manha de Canaval (the Black Orpheus) and it is nearly ready to be played in public. Mental note, time to have a house concert I think to spur Mik and I to do some practicing.

Stand by for a blog about where I am in the world today

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