Friday, February 26, 2010

For Di...


I had a friend who never kept house
In fact she never really was my friend
She was the mate of my friend
But he never kept house either
So … I had a friend that never kept house
My friend he played guitar also
And with another friend, we played
A trio you could say
And we said it often
And so did others
And it was … El Cachimbo
On the radio-waves …
We played one day
But back to my friend that never kept house
His mate, she said it was a waste of time
They both said it was a waste of time
Because a waste of time, it was
It just got dirty again
But our trio, a waste of time was not
We made music and friends, we never forgot
And we stuck to wine
It was more hygienic
We got back to town again and again
And we played it and made it
Time and again
El Cachimbo played on
Until one day I had to leave them behind
Which is why I said I HAD a friend
Actually she probably never really was my friend
But her friend was my friend
And my friend was my friend
And still my friends today
Just further away and a little more relaxed
Than me, a few thousand kilometers away
But you learn that you never loose friends
Just more fun
When you see them again
I have some friends that don’t keep house
And I don’t blame them

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A rude awakening to the fire alarm at 0500 in the desert

The winter morn is torn apart
By the peircing shrill of the safety's art
Milling and spilling into the park places
Come the Mukhazina camp guests with their sleepy morn faces

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Speaking of spoilt little sausages...


It's been hard for me to blog this one, but it's been a few weeks now since our sweet Beauzy went missing.  So I guess that's it - he had a long and very priviliged life since we adopted him in 1998 at 6 months old and then Mik's parents adopted him in 2005 when we moved to Belgium.  I spent a lot of time grieving the loss in 2005 and 2006 and 2007 and as the years went on it ebbed.  Now he has gone for good and he will be sadly missed by more than just me.  Love you my little puppy monster - bon voyage.

A good day in the desert

Well after lunch I was not having such a great day, as there was quite a lot of people changing out today and I sobbed why is this not me! I am one week in and in the space where I just want to get the hell out of the desert.  Not that it is not good, it is - the weather is awesome in the winter, the work is fun and challenging and rewarding - it's just every day is groundhog day.  Every day is the same and after about 5 days the routine gets a bit on my nerves.

It's about 20 degrees in the morning and only getting up to late 20's during the day so quite perfect for Mik and my holiday on the beach at the Shangri - La Oman in 13 days time.  I am very much looking forward to that.  AND the new mini is ready to be picked up!  Awesome - pity I have to wait so long before I can get to drive it.  Oh well I put the first km on the beema so I suppose Mik can get to put the first km on the mini.

When I got back to my rooom tonight the fruit fairy had left me a back of fruit - a very prized commodity around here!  Banana's and all, normally one has to be in with the banana mafia to get them.  And I see there are some trees and peat arived and stored behind my room so it looks like they are going to do some more planting around the camp.  That will break the brown sandy and stoney look of the place for a while.

Hope you enjoyed the dogblog.  Check out -it's quite clever really, just one minute excerpts from the day in the life of two spoilt little sausages.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Weekend in Paris for Saint Valentine

We had a fantastic weekend in Paris.  It's hard to find the words to describe it so here are some photos.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Finally, we go to the Moulin Rouge this weekend - - -

Back up a little

Backing up a little from Raclette for Sunday lunch with friends - we had the beloved French friends for dinner on Friday night.  They tasted good - nah just kidding!  I cooked up a Middle Eastern Feast - and a nice and healthy one too.  The Chicken with dates and almonds went down a treat, mixed with Couscous, Minted Cucumber with Youghrt and Roasted Vegetables with Basil Dressing chased by Chocolade Surprise de Celine.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

We are off to have raclette for lunch wih friends....

"What is Raclette?

Cheese and plenty of it...

The name "raclette" (pronounced ruck-lett in English or rah-klett in its native French) refers to a meal and to a type of cheese with the same name. The traditional dish can be described as melted cheese eaten with boiled (or roasted) potatoes with small gherkins and pickled onions. Modern electrical appliances that are used to make the dish are called Raclette grills. While the method of melting the cheese has changed over time, the raclette meal is quite easy to prepare using the simplest of ingredients and has been a long favourite for festive and fun interactive evenings.

With the tradition originating in Switzerland, Raclette, the meal, is one of Switzerland's best loved national dishes and is very popular in other parts of Europe such as France and Germany. The most famous and best Raclette cheese is made in the alpine villages in the Swiss Alps which has a very distinct flavour and excellent melting qualities as well as being the main ingredient that makes the dish. Just like the well known Classic Cheese Fondue Raclette is another way of enjoying simple and delicious cooking incorporating lots of interactivity and of course lots of cheese.


Somewhere hidden in the valleys of the Swiss Alps...

Raclette cheese originated in the French speaking areas in the Alpine regions of the Valais canton in Switzerland. While the process of melting cheese has been around since ancient times, according to legends - local farmers or herdsmen in the valleys of the Swiss Alps set up camp for the night and the cheese that was laying around on stones at meal time, melted near the open fire and some farmer scraped it off the rock (not wanting to waste any of it of course), he then tasted it and thought it tasted divine. The idea quickly caught on amongst the group and this novel idea quickly spread throughout the valley and so the cheese became well known as the most ideal to melt. Other ingredients would accompany the meal like gherkins (pickled cucumber) and small onions and to drink; kirsch (cherry liqueur), herbal tea or Fendant (local white wine).

It was a filling meal and enjoyed for its great simplicity and heartiness. The concept was simple and the melting of the raclette cheese was to become a popular way to eat it. It was comfort food at its best and the tradition eventually spread to other countries beyond the Alps from visitors travelling from afar to enjoy the famous ski resorts in the Valais region."

Friday, February 5, 2010


And like all pairs of sisters, of mine
We understand the secrets together
We know the moments we have left behind
Keep us allied beyond forever

Because, we know, like all pairs of sisters
It does not matter if we share the same blood
Nor the same gender, as some would insist
It’s the unity we know that creates our own love

My sister's gone back downunder ...

I've been sad . . . hence I have not been writing much.  Here I have been all hero like and saying "Well we did not spend that much time together in the last year" - which is true, since I started my new job working a rotation the lifestyle has changed massively.  Besides all the bravado, I loved having my sister here and I will miss her terribly.  To have part of your family so close; someone that has always known you; someone who understands you to the core; somone who may get mad at you every now and then - which never changes anything; that is a very safe and secure feeling. 

I guess I just realised what drives us southern folks back downunder.  "Besides the weather?" says Greg...There comes a time when famliy becomes increasingly important...

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Crazy Neighbours

Of course eventually I realised I could not keep them under wraps for too long and would be required to blog a photo of the "crazy neighbours" - these are the guys that have been an inspiraton to us.  Mik says I love people who like to enjoy life - those who have a positve outlook over all - - - and enjoy a good wine or two or three or four - on Sunday morning I said - be careful what you wish for - after these guys took us to the coast to see Will Tura.  Correction required - I said we were going to the Casino is Oostende, in fact we went to the Casino in Middelkerk - we stayed in hotel in Oostende.

In two weeks we are off to he Moulin Rouge together- woohoo!

Tru Love at the Sea Side

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