Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A good day in the desert

Well after lunch I was not having such a great day, as there was quite a lot of people changing out today and I sobbed why is this not me! I am one week in and in the space where I just want to get the hell out of the desert.  Not that it is not good, it is - the weather is awesome in the winter, the work is fun and challenging and rewarding - it's just every day is groundhog day.  Every day is the same and after about 5 days the routine gets a bit on my nerves.

It's about 20 degrees in the morning and only getting up to late 20's during the day so quite perfect for Mik and my holiday on the beach at the Shangri - La Oman in 13 days time.  I am very much looking forward to that.  AND the new mini is ready to be picked up!  Awesome - pity I have to wait so long before I can get to drive it.  Oh well I put the first km on the beema so I suppose Mik can get to put the first km on the mini.

When I got back to my rooom tonight the fruit fairy had left me a back of fruit - a very prized commodity around here!  Banana's and all, normally one has to be in with the banana mafia to get them.  And I see there are some trees and peat arived and stored behind my room so it looks like they are going to do some more planting around the camp.  That will break the brown sandy and stoney look of the place for a while.

Hope you enjoyed the dogblog.  Check out -it's quite clever really, just one minute excerpts from the day in the life of two spoilt little sausages.

1 comment:

  1. Groundhog days will cease! We may not like the cold or the very hot but the seasonal changes are looked forward to.

    Right now in the Wairarapa even though it is high summer there are signs of the impending autumn - most notably darker in the mornings and sunset has gone back 90 minutes - quelle horreur!
