Friday, February 5, 2010

My sister's gone back downunder ...

I've been sad . . . hence I have not been writing much.  Here I have been all hero like and saying "Well we did not spend that much time together in the last year" - which is true, since I started my new job working a rotation the lifestyle has changed massively.  Besides all the bravado, I loved having my sister here and I will miss her terribly.  To have part of your family so close; someone that has always known you; someone who understands you to the core; somone who may get mad at you every now and then - which never changes anything; that is a very safe and secure feeling. 

I guess I just realised what drives us southern folks back downunder.  "Besides the weather?" says Greg...There comes a time when famliy becomes increasingly important...

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, great times! One of Mum and my abiding, happy memories was being met at Schipol in December 2006 by our two Brusselian daughters and their lovely husbands.

    Together with Isaac (just 9 year old) we had superb times in Brussels, Paris and St Martin. Never to be forgotten!

    Greg is completely right. As we age those family ties become so much more valuable and important. They always were it's just we recognise that more fully.

    The best and the hardest times come from close family members.

    As Sue put in part) in verse for her Mum's 50th birthday, entitled "Ode to Our Mother"-

    "Success is not measured
    by how much you have
    above all, how much you are loved..."

    Cheers, Dad
